Cookware Set Comparison Chart – What is the Best Cookware Set?
October 6, 2020 Ceramic Cookware Reviews

Cookware set

You have many choices when it comes to finding a cookware set, from non stick and cast iron cookware to stainless steel and ceramic skillets.  This cookware comparison chart can help make your selection easier.  Each type of cookware set has its advantages and disadvantages you need to consider.  With so many different types of cookware sets on the market, it can hard to decide which is the best cookware set for your needs and budget.

The comprehensive cookware comparison chart compares all of the most popular types of cookware sets side-by-side.  This way you can easily compare features and capabilities of all the major types of cookware sets in one place, so you can make an informed decision.

Do you want:

  • non stick cookware, stainless steel or ceramic cookware
  • to be able to put the cookware in the microwave oven
  • is price an issue
  • should it go from stove to oven
  • use an induction burner or cook dishes over 500° F.
  • As you define the most important features you need, this cookware comparison chart will help narrow your selection.


Check out our Cookware Comparison Chart Below

Do you want to have a single cookware set for all your cookware needs that can go in any type of oven, including the microwave oven, or do you want to have multiple types of cookware sets to maximize your culinary capabilities.  It can be challenging going to many stores to compare cookware sets.   This cookware comparison chart can save you a lot of time.  You can have all the features and capabilities in one place.

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Many people have an everyday cookware set for most of their cooking needs,such as ceramic cookware or non stick cookware, and then have a another set, such as cast iron cookware set or stainless steel cookware for special cooking needs.


How to Use the  Cookware Comparison Chart?

The beauty of this cookware comparison chart is that you can compare all the major types of cookware side-by-side by capability and features, to see which cookware sets meet the capabilities features you want or need.

As you go down the list of capabilities and features you need and want, you will see the cookware sets that either meet or don’t meet the majority of your needs or wants, or do you have a few key features the cookware sets must have.  Down the left side of the chart are the most important capabilities of cookware people said they look for when selecting new cookware. This will help you narrow your choices to one, two or three top contenders.  This may helpfully make your final selection easier.

If more than one type of cookware set makes the grade in your first pass, then you will want to go through the list again, and apply more questions, such as wants versus needs.   What you would be cooking?  Can you handle the heaviness of cast iron cookware, and does this affect its ease of use.

Is cost a factor, are you searching for a budget cookware set and ultimately what is best cookware set for your budget.  Are you looking for a budget cookware set under $500 or are you willing to spend over $500 to as much as $1,000 or more?

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These are the factors that can significantly narrow your choices.

Some people may only want a few key capabilities for their cookware, while for other people, having all or most of the capabilities is an important requirement.

Interestingly the two types of cookware that possess all or most of the capabilities are real ceramic cookware that meets 100% of the capabilities and glass cookware (pyrex) that has an 83% score for meeting all the capabilities that people are searching for.

The cookware that came in 3rd place and meets 50% of the capabilities on the list is enameled cast iron cookware.  This is cast iron cookware with an enameled coating,  that gives the cookware a non stick capability.


cookware comparison chart


Which Cookware Set Came in First place?

The cookware that came in first place on the cookware comparison chart with a score of 100% compliance to the requirements is ceramic cookware.

Cheap ceramic coated cookware is not real ceramic cookware.  It is actually aluminum cookware that is dipped in a synthetic ceramic material, costs less than $300 for a full 6-10 piece cookware set, and it only lasts about 3-5 years.

Real ceramic cookware is made from primarily just two ingredients, clay and water, with some other natural ingredients to add strength.  Real ceramic cookware is very sturdy and can withstand extreme heat, 1,000 degrees F, that would melt most other types of cookware.  It is naturally PFOA and PTFE-free and can be used in every type of heating environment, including a microwave oven.

Ceramic cookware can go from the oven to the freezer.  Try that with your favorite cookware.

See also  What is the Best Ceramic Cookware Set to Buy?


In Conclusion

Now that you know how to use the cookware comparison chart, you use this information to compare cookware sets that will meet all of your cooking needs and lifestyle requirements, and a good quality cookware set should last you for years of use, with proper care.


Ken Weiss
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