Old Time Candy Company Review – Retro Candy
March 26, 2014 Stay at Home Dad Articles

OldTimeCandy.com-Candy, Party Favors, and Toys from the 1950s, 60s, 70s, 80s or 90s
Old Time Candy Company was created by Karen and Donny Ray, a brother and sister team who grew up in in LaGrange, Ohio in the 1950’s.

In 2000 when they rediscovered their favorite retro candy of their youth, Old Time Candy Company was born so kids young and old across the country could also rediscover their favorite retro candy they grew up, whether it was the 1920’s, 1930’s, 1950’s, 1960’s, or even if you were born way back in the 1980’s.



Popular Candy by the Decade


The folks at this  Retro Candy Company have done an amazing job of researching the most poplar old time candy by decade by over 70 manufacturers of retro candy from the Pre-20’s up to 1990’s, so you, your kids, your grandparents and even great grandparents will be able to once again enjoy the candy they loved as children.

Here are a few of the classics you may remember.  You can see all the retro candy here.



Abba-Zaba bar


BB Bats - Chocolate - 1 piece


candy dots


Chocolate Cigarettes Candy - box of 24 packs


Turkish taffy





Astro Pops - 1 piece


Blow pops


Selling Memories By the Piece, bag or box


The Old Time Candy Company doesn’t make you buy a box of candy bars, like many other online candy sellers, who are focused on volume sales.

This  Old fashioned candy company is in the business of selling memories of your childhood, and of you enjoying your favorite candy like you did when you were a kid.  In honoring that timeless memory, you can buy one piece of your favorite old time candy or candy bar, a bag that can hold up to 2 pieces up to 5 Lbs of candy, or yes, you can buy a box of your faves.

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No Minimum Order Quantity Required


Not at the Old Time Candy Company, no siree bob.  You can still buy 1 retro candy bar if you want, and the nice folks at this unique retro candy store will gladly ship that one candy bar to you, because they know that candy bar is not just a candy bar.

Go check any other online retro candy seller, and see if they have a minimum order quantity.  Based on my experience most online candy sellers require a minimum order quantity of at least one box.

They are helping you re-capture your youth…and what price ca you put on going to the candy store or Dime store with your friends or grandpa to buy your favorite candy after school?



Will I Pay an Arm and a Leg for retro candy?


With the price of everything going up these days, it’s nice to know somethings are still relatively inexpensive.  This fabulous retro candy costs as little as $.20 a piece for a piece of hard candy, a jelly or chews, for example and up to $1.99 for your favorite candy bar.

You can buy one candy bar, a bag up to 5lbs., or a box of candy bars.

gift blue



Shipped Cold in Summer Months


Can you think of anything worse than opening up the box of your favorite childhood chocolate bar to find it melted.

To make sure you retro candy arrives to you in perfect condition, no matter the season,  Old Time Candy Company will pack and ship your candy cold to protect your old time candy from melting while in transit.  Now that’s customer service.

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Decade Box


2 and 4 lb decade gift boxes

Old Time Candy Company came up with a novel concept, the Decade Box, which has an assortment of candy from the from the 1950s, 60s, 70s, 80s or All Decades comes in two sizes, a 2 lb box or a 4 lb box.

 Click here to buy your own Decade Box of old fashioned candy.


You can even get a personalized box top to commemorate a special occasion, such as a birthday, anniversary, holiday gift, wedding or whatever you can imagine.




Do you keep Kosher?


Do you keep kosher?  Don’t fret kindelache.

Old Time Candy has made every effort to designate on the webpage which candy is kosher, and the organization certifying the candy is kosher, for your satisfaction and to adhere to dietary restrictions.


Is there any sales tax charged?


Sales tax is only charged on orders sold and shipped within the state of Ohio.  All other orders do not require adding sales tax.


100% Money Back Guarantee


Old Time Candy Company offers a No-haggle, 100% money-back guaranty. If you are not satisfied for any reason they will refund your purchase price including the shipping charges.  See if anyone else will refund your shipping charges, bet you can’t find even one!



Where Can I Buy the Retro Candy from Old Time Candy?


Old Time Candy Company only sells retro and old time candy through their online store Here, so click here and relive your childhood or maybe see a candy you never heard of.

Many candies are still only sold regionally around the country, so Old Time Candy has stocked the best retro candy from around the country in one location.

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To enter the Old Time Candy Store….come on in here. OTC green 125 125



Ken Weiss
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