Crispy Pellet Smoker Chicken Recipe – Z Grills Pellet Smokers
July 13, 2023 Grills and smokers

When you think about making crispy smoker chicken in your wood pellet smoker, what generally comes to mind for many people is the delicious hot smoked chicken with soft skin on a grill or in the oven.  Crispy and wood pellet smoked chicken would probably not be what comes to mind for many people.

The newer generation wood pellet smokers, like the Z Grills wood pellet grills, are 8-in-1 wood pellet grills, which do everything your oven and barbecue can do.

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How a Wood Pellet Grill Works


A wood pellet grill does everything your oven, grill and barbecue do, in one unit.  As the wood pellets are fed through the hopper to the  the fire box and burn, this infuses flavored smoke into the meat as it cooks, which gives it a delicious smoked flavor.  Did you even know you can make crispy smoker chicken on your wood pellet grill?

The trick is how to make crispy chicken skin from a wood pellet grill?  You don’t want soft or mushy skin on crispy pellet smoker chicken.

With a Z Grills wood pellet smoker, you can make Crispy wood smoked chicken, which is a delicious, flavorful and fun to pull apart crispy chicken.  You hear the crackle and crunch when you sink your teeth into crispy smoker chicken, that comes hot off of your wood pellet smoker.

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With this easy wood pellet smoker chicken recipe, you can make delicious and flavorful pellet smoker chicken with crispy skin.

The key to achieving crispy pellet smoker chicken begins with how you prepare the chicken before it even goes into the smoker chamber.  You will learn the easy-to-follow steps in this recipe.


Use Good Quality Wood Pellets

You want to make sure you are using the best wood pellets for smoking.  Depending on the flavor you are going for, this will determine the flavor wood pellets to use.  Most people often use oak, mesquite or cherry.  Apple wood smoking pellets will give your chicken a bit of a sweet and smoky flavor.


Prepare Your Smoker

Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions when preparing your wood pellet grill for cooking.  Before you turn on your wood pellet smoker, fill the hopper with the smoker pellets, then follow the manufacturer’s instructions to use your wood pellet smoker.


Set the Temperature

preparing chicken for the smoker - crispy wood pellet smoker chicken recipe

When cooking chicken, I set the smoker to 250 degrees F.  Once the smoker gets up to the desired temperature, place the chicken on the smoker.  Make sure to keep the lid closed.  The worst thing for your wood pellet smoker is to let the smoke and heat escape.

When you have to open the lid to check the chicken, make sure to close it as quickly as possible, to keep the smoke and heat inside the smoker.

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Crispy Pellet Smoker Chicken Recipe

The key to making this delicious wood pellet smoker chicken recipe, is the chicken must be dry, so the ingredients stick to the chicken skin, and stay crunchy and do not get soggy or mushy.

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The first step is to spread baking powder liberally under the skin of the chicken.  There is a difference between baking powder and baking soda.  Baking powder helps remove the moisture from the chicken, so it will crisp up nicely.  Baking soda, on the other hand, is used for baking to help food rise in the oven.  Make sure you are using baking powder for this recipe.

For best results, put the chicken in the refrigerator for 3-6 hours and let it chill before placing it on the smoker.

Follow your smoker’s instructions for heating up the grill.  The best temperature for smoking your chicken is 250 degrees F.

Smoke the chicken for 45 minutes.

To help your chicken get that crispy texture, set your grill to 475 degrees F and cook for an additional 15 minutes.


Use a Meat Thermometer

meat thermometer - crispy smoker chicken recipe

To make sure your chicken reaches the proper internal temperature, use a digital meat thermometer with a smart phone app.  This will allow you to monitor the cooking process from your smart phone, so you don’t have to open the lid.

You can monitor the cooking process with the app on your phone, and you only need to raise the lid when the chicken is ready to eat.





Ken Weiss
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