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Budget-Saving Party Tips for a Children’s Birthday Party

Party Tips for a Children’s Birthday Party


With these Budget-Saving Party Tips for a Children’s Birthday Party, you don’t have to break the bank every time you throw a birthday party for your kid.  Kids won’t notice whether you’re going all out or skimping on them. They’ll be more than happy as long as they have their pals to play with and a few platters of good food.

There’s no need for extravagant decorations and playhouses. There’s also no need to hire the best catering services in Manila.

All you really need are good ideas that will help you throw an awesome party while staying on budget! And for your sake, we have listed these ideas below.


These 8 Party Tips Will Ensure You Plan a Great Kids Birthday Party



1. Have the Party in the Afternoon


Party Tips for a Children’s Birthday Party

The best party tips for planning a birthday party, include plan to have the party in the hours between lunch and dinner. This way, your guests won’t be expecting a full meal.

You can just whip up simple and fun dishes that the kids will like. Pizza, burgers, hotdogs, marshmallows, and a few sweet treats will suffice.

You won’t have to stuff them with too much food because they just had lunch and will soon have dinner anyway.


Rainbow Unicorn Party Supplies


2. Plan Weeks in Advance Before the Party

planning a party date

You’ll be able to make better decisions when you plan weeks before the party.  These party tips allows you to save money, buy researching numerous stores for the best price, or being able to buy the supplies online.

Go to every store you can possibly think of and compare prices. It also helps to carry a list with you so you won’t be tempted to buy on impulse.

If you buy things a few days before the party, you will end up using more money than necessary. You’ll settle for the most convenient store, which probably has the highest prices.



3. Try Borrowing Supplies from Friends


Ask your friends, family, and neighbors for any equipment you need for the party – chairs, tables, desks, blender and others. It takes a huge chunk out of your budget to rent these things, so why not borrow them for free from your peers?

You won’t even have to worry if you end up with mismatched chairs and tables because you can easily cover them up with tablecloths and decorative items. If you don’t have the necessary items to decorate them, then don’t stress because the kids won’t mind much. In fact, they might find it fun to have chairs and desks of different shapes and sizes.

birthday for kids

4. Ask for Free Help

ask for party planning help

It takes a lot of capable hands to prepare a venue for a children’s party so instead of hiring help, ask for it.

Approach your family and friends and ask them if they’re willing to lend a hand.

These party tips can be something small such as setting up the chairs and tables or you can be bold and ask them to dress up as your kid’s beloved character. You may also have a friends who can do some magic or balloon tricks, so consider asking them to provide entertainment for the party. You can ask them to do all this as a favor to you or offer to feed them afterwards.

Accept all the help you can get because you’ll definitely need it. Aside from saving some extra money, you won’t tire yourself out too much.



5. Skip the Paper Invitations


Paper invitations may be cute and personal but they’re impractical and costly. Moreover, people will just throw them out after the party.

Instead of mailing out invitations just send guests digital invites, such as Evite.  You don’t just send out electronic invitations, people can respond electronically as well.  This way you can see who responded Yes or no, and even resend the Evite to people who haven’t responded and add new guests if needed.  New guests will be sent an electronuc invitation.

You can also sort your guest list by how they responded, Yes, No or Maybe.

If you’re not technologically adept to send out a proper digital invite, you can settle for a simple email or text message.

You can even call them personally if you want or have your child invite his/her own guests.



6. Enjoy Fun but Free Activities


Pass on the clowns, puppeteers, and acrobats for your party. Kids need to keep moving and they won’t have much fun when they’re just watching someone who’s attempting to make them laugh.

These party tips can help you keep the kids entertained with no-cost but fun-filled activities like freeze-dance, musical chairs, and treasure hunts. You can do a lot with music, chairs, scraps of paper, and a great imagination.

If it’s a small group of kids, just watch them play by themselves throughout the whole afternoon while you mingle with the parents.


7. Serve a Home-Made Cake


make a birthday cake at home

Instead of wasting your budget on a multi-tiered theme cake which will be devoured in a matter of minutes, bake the cake at home. You’ll find everything you need to make a cake at your local supermarket – cake mix, icing, and sprinkles.

To make it a bit more personal, ask the birthday boy or girl to help you with the task. Your kid can be in charge of mixing the batter, decorating the cake, and other minor steps. On the day of the party, we can guarantee that your kid will be proud of his/her amazing cake and brag about it to all guests.


8. Party Tip Key Takeaway


You don’t need the best entertainers or the best catering services in Manila to throw a banging children’s party. Skip the decorations, tiered cakes, and the fancy loot bags, and get all the free help and stuff you can get.

Kids barely care about anything fancy and extravagant; they just want to hang out with their best friends and have some fun. Give them exactly that!

Follow these budget-saving party tips if you want to throw the best party for your kid without burning a hole through your pocket. You can trust and believe us when we say that your kid will have the time of his life.


Author Bio


Albert is your go-to-guy when it comes to anything IT-related. Aside from IT-related matters, he’s also into travelling and anything lifestyle. He has a dream of visiting every café there is all around the world.

For now, Albert writes different articles of all niches. He’s also an official contributor at EmpanadaBites.

Ken Weiss


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